Round 1 of the JYD Memorial Tag-Team Tournament.
Match 01
"The Circle of Disrespect"
"The King of Florida" Francisco Ciatso & "The Emerald Emperor" Simon Sez
"The Local Scene" Josh Storm & "The All Pro" Leo Gold
Ended in a Double Countout.. Both Teams were Eliminated
Match 02
Leon "The Bull" Stresser & "The Dream Chaser" Dylan Cook
"The Alabama Ambassador" Ja'Coby Boykins & Tommy Penirelli
Match 03
The GCW Tag Team Champions - "The Sevenfold Saints"
"Dropkick" Steve Stiles & "The Grand Design" Clyde Braddock w/ The Wicked Nemesis
"Cousin Redneck" Amos Moses & "Cowboy" Dusty McWilliams
Match 4
Steve & Stevie Armstrong
"The Mystic" Muddbone & The Night Prowler
Match 5 - GCW Women's Championship
"Calm Like A Bomb" Pandora (C)
Match 06 - GCW Heavyweight Championship
"The Real Deal" A.J. Steele
retained his title against
"The Complete Wrestling Machine" SpiRal
The Next Live Event for Global Championship Wrestling is set for Saturday March 28, 2015 in Pell City, Alabama.